The articles (7-15 pages) written in Romanian, English, French, in WORD, A4 format, with 2x2x2x2 cm margins, Times New Roman (TNR) font, should be sent as .doc/.docx file extension to the e-mail address: philologia.if@gmail.com

The editorial board may approve to exceed the volume of the article or to be published in the consecutive issues of the journal.

The orthographic norms with “â” and “sunt” are recommended according to the “Sextil Puşcariu” rules.

The structure of the article:
The title in Romanian and English (font size – 12, bold, centred)
Abstract (101-150 words) in Romanian and English (font size – 10)
Keywords: 7-10 words in Romanian and English (font size – 10)
Bibliographical References

The authors will be identified by:
First name, LAST NAME (font size – 12, bold, centred)
Scientific title and didactic degree (font size – 10)
Institutional e-mail (font size – 10)
ORCID ID (font size – 10)
Institutional affiliation (font size – 10) 

The text of the article will be aligned left-right.
Pages numbering – at the bottom, right.
The diagrams, photos and tables will be placed immediately after the text reference.
The images will be followed by the order number and the legend.
The tables will be numbered and accompanied by a title.

Presentation of Bibliographical References:
(according to SM ISO 690:2012)
The bibliographic references will be presented alphabetically, using the last names of the authors.
Only the works that are referenced in the text will be presented.
Works in the process of publication will not be included.
For bibliographic sources with Cyrillic characters, the author's name will be transliterated.
A single-author entry precedes entries with two or more authors with the same initial name.
Multiple entries by a single author will be arranged chronologically in ascending order.

Presentation of printed references:


ANDRONIC, Nelly. Comunicarea ştiinţifică în contextul accesului deschis la informaţie. Chişinău: CEP USM, 2012. 206 p. ISBN 897-0-7493-8662-2.

Berejan = БЕРЕЖАН, С. Семантическая эквивалентность лексических единиц. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1973. 372 p. ISBN 897-13-7493-8662-2.


BEȘLIU, Tatiana. Sistem computerizat pentru investigarea şi dezvoltarea rapidităţii reacţiei motrice de start la înotători. În: Sportul olimpic şi sportul pentru toţi. Materialele congresului ştiințific internațional, 12-15 septembrie 2011. Chişinău: USEFS, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 196-198. ISBN 978-13-0-5241-3214.


EȘANU, Tudor. Titlu: teză de doctor habilitat în filologie. Chişinău, 2009.


LEAHU, Ion. De la didactica generală la didactica matematicii. În: Didactica. 2016, nr. 2-3, pp. 20-25. ISSN 1544-9173.

AMAJOR, L.C. The Cenomanian hiat in the Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria. In: Geological Magazine. 1985, 122(1), pp. 39-50. ISSN 0016-7568.


NICORICI, Dumitru. Eminesciana în spațiul est-slav: momente de empatie. În: Literatura şi arta. 2020, 10 septembrie, p. 3.

Presentation of web references:

Words Without Borders: The online magazine for international literature [online]. PEN American Center, 2005 [citat 12 iulie 2006]. Disponibil: http://www.wordswithoutborders.org

POPA, Ana, PROHNIŢCHI, Valeriu. Sectorul de cercetare, dezvoltare şi inovare din Moldova: este oare necesară o reformă? Versiune preliminară [online]. Chişinău: Expert-Grup, 2011 [citat 12 septembrie 2022]. Disponibil: http://www.expert-grup.org/library_upld/d360.pdf

TCACIUC, Cl., HACINA, L., GUŢU, A. Study on corporate social responsibility of cooperative enterprises in the Republic of Moldova. In: Economy, Transdisciplinarity, Cognition [online]. Bacău, România. 2012, 15(1), pp. 218-225 [citat 27 martie 2024]. Disponibil: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-00026-8

In-text citation:

References will be included in round brackets, for example: (Smith 1980; Chapman 1981); (Leahu 2016, p. 23).

If the reference follows immediately the author’s name, only the year and the page will be indicated in brackets: După cum arată I. Leahu (2016, p. 23).

If a reference has two authors, the names of both authors are included every time when it is cited.

If a reference has more than two authors, all of them are included the first time when the source is cited. Afterwards, only the name of the first author is cited, followed by et. al.

Idem, written with Italic letters, replaces the author’s name and it is used in the case when the author is the same as in the previous reference, but he is cited with another work.

Ibidem, written with Italic letters, is used in a successive reference to the same author and the same work.

If two or more information resources have the same author and the same year of publication, the differentiation between them will be done by adding after the year, in round brackets, small letters (a, b, c, etc.), for example (Leahu 2016b, p. 556).

For web references, when a website with an author is cited, the name of the author and the year are written in brackets, for example: (Saramandu 1996). When a website without an author is cited, the title of the website is provided in brackets, for example: (Elaborarea şi prezentarea rapoartelor de activitate pentru anul 2020).


The articles will be accepted as .doc file extension. The presentation deadlines are:

January 1 – March 31 – for no. 1 of the journal;
July 1 – September 30 – for no. 2 of the journal.

The deadline for the initial evaluation of the manuscript – 15 days.