Ethics and malpraxis

Philologia is published twice a year, in print and digital format, at the end of each semester: in June and December, with the financial support of Moldova State University.

The editorial policy of the Philologia journal is in accordance with the guidelines and standards of good practice COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) to implement some international norms of public culture. Thus, it plenary assumes the responsibility to observe the ethical principles of publication at all stages of work on the manuscripts. For this purpose, a collaborative relationship with the authors is adopted to promote valuable original scientific research, to exclude plagiarism, errors and scientific forgeries.

Philologia is an open access journal and applies the Creative Commons "Attribution 4.0 International" (CC BY 4.0) License to all materials it publishes. Users can freely "download, read, copy, print, and distribute" the full texts of the scientific research articles.

The journal is indexed in the following international databases/catalogues: DOAJ, CEEOL, ERIH PLUS, and GOOGLE SCHOLAR. At the same time, the journal articles are indexed and archived in the National Bibliometric Instrument (IBN).

The authors, reviewers and the editorial board perform specific tasks.


Authorship Policies

The authors, experienced researchers, but also young researchers from the Republic of Moldova and abroad, have the right to send articles focused on resonant issues in the field of philology, consistent in terms of scientific novelty, to the journal's e-mail address: philologia.if@gmail.com

The journal accepts original papers written in Romanian, English and French, that demonstrate rigorous research, observe ethical principles and editing requirements. In order to avoid plagiarism, the author is obliged to cite correctly and completely all the sources used in the documenting process of the article. Responsibility for the content and quality of the paper belongs to the ethical duty of the author. The articles that do not comply with the guidelines of the editorial policy of scientific ethics will not be accepted.

From the moment the article is submitted for publication in the scientific journal Philologia, the author signs an Ethical declaration  on his/her own responsibility, confirming the authenticity of the manuscript, the absence of plagiarism and self-plagiarism, the fact that it was not submitted to other journals and has not been reproduced in other publications.

One issue of the journal accepts authors to publish one single-author article and an article in co-authorship. The doctoral students' articles will be submitted for publication accompanied by the scientific supervisor’s Approval.

The authors hold the copyright on the articles without any restrictions and grant the journal the right of first publication.

In order to preserve the copyrights, the author will sign an Agreement regarding copyright and related rights, and will grant the publisher the right to reproduce the material, the right to distribute the original and the right to place it online.

The author will benefit from a respectful and transparent treatment from the editorial staff, that will inform him/her of the reviewers' suggestions and objections, will be in charge of the entire technical and scientific writing process of the paper.

The articles submitted to the editorial office receive a registration number and are treated as confidential documents. Each article is checked to avoid plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism, and multiple publication. Articles containing plagiarized passages or published in other journals/volumes will be automatically rejected.

The views of the author do not always coincide with the views of the editorial board.


Reviewing Policies

All the articles submitted for publication are double-blind peer reviewed. The editorial board ensures the anonymous quality of the review: the authors do not know the reviewer's identity and vice versa. For this purpose, two reviewers are designated for each article, depending on the research field, selected from the Journal database, to whom the paper is sent in electronic version.

The reviewers use a Peer review form focused on the following aspects: the relevance of the topic, inclusion in the profile of the journal, appropriate title, relevance of the abstract, observing the inherent structure of a scientific article, originality and quality of the paper, rigour of arguments, conclusions, citations, bibliographic references, in compliance with editing requirements, etc. The reviewers will warn the author about scientific errors, they will identify relevant bibliographic sources that the author should consider.

The reviewers assume an obligation to keep the manuscripts' scientific results and ideas in confidence and not to use them for their personal benefit.

The reviewers submit their reports to the editorial staff.

The reviewers reserve the right to reject the articles in which plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism, errors or scientific forgeries have been detected.

The article is accepted for publication if it corresponds to one of the following options:

  • Both reviewers provide a positive review and recommend the article for publication;
  • One of the reviewers provide a positive review report, and the second – a review recommending the article for publication after some modifications. In this case, the editor forwards the reviewer's objections and suggestions to the author, in order to improve the scientific quality of the article. The editorial board will publish the article only after receiving the author's confirmation regarding all changes made as suggested/indicated in the Review form.

The article is not accepted for publication if at least one of the reviewers presents a negative review and does not recommend the article for publication.

The rejection of an article will not hinder further cooperation with the author. The author of the rejected article has the right to propose for publication other articles or an improved version of the rejected paper in the next issue of the journal.

If the reviews are positive, the articles will be checked for plagiarism.

The anti-plagiarism check is carried out according to the stipulations of the Operational Procedure regarding the anti-plagiarism verification of scientific results developed within the Moldova State University.

If no irregularities were identified as the result of the anti-plagiarism check, the articles will be sent for editing and the assignment of the CZU and DOI indexes.

The responsibility for the content of each article belongs exclusively to the author.

Editorial policies

The editorial board assumes responsibility to identify and prevent the publication of papers containing plagiarism or research errors.

The editorial board has the right to reject articles that do not comply with the Editing Requirements or in which plagiarism and/or self-plagiarism has been detected.

If the manuscript is rejected, the author will be sent a well-argued refusal.

The editorial staff will cooperate with the author during the peer review process in order to detect and remove possible errors or scientific forgeries.

The editorial staff is responsible for organizing the peer review process, strictly following the review procedure, which must be collegial, anonymous and objective.

The editorial staff will send the two reviews for the article to the author, preserving the reviewers’ confidentiality.

The editorial board will decide whether to publish the manuscript or not, considering the reviewers' recommendations, compliance with the provisions of the Editorial Policy and of the copyright protection legislation.


The editorial board will allow the author to withdraw his/her article in order to improve it.

The editorial staff will send the final layout of the article to the author for ultimate confirmation, before printing.

If the editorial staff committed a technical or content error when publishing the article or in the relationship with the author, explanations and apologies will be published in the next issue of the journal.

The editorial board has the right to retract any article from the website, from the international databases and/or from the scientific platforms in which the journal is indexed if it has been found that the author/authors have violated the ethical principles of scientific research.