The Archetypal Meaning of the Mythical Child from the Short Story Epic


In this article, we have tried to reveal the archetypal meaning of the mythical child, one of the folkloric topos, which manifests itself in the novelistic epic through a series of deep artistic symbols and images. This folkloric archetype can be found in several ballad subjects, where a special sacral ambience is transfigured. When reading several ballad versions with a family theme, such as Meşterul Manole, Nevasta fugită, Nevasta alungată, Femeia prinsă de turc etc., are highlighted some poetic situations of archetypal origin, where a humanized nature persists, she participates directly in the soul life of the epic heroes, and the child left within its primordial rhythms, will take on an integrative function in the cosmic plane, being placed in the general harmony of the universe.

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