The Parts of Speech from the Perspective of the Correlation between Lexicon and Grammar



The purpose of the article is to present an analysis of parts of speech from the point of view of the interference between semantic features and their morphosyntactic behavior. The elucidation of the established relationships between the lexical meaning of words, on the one hand, and their grammatical categories and the syntactic functions with which they are used, on the other, requires the analysis of these entities from a functional perspective. Since the relationships between the mentioned features are revealed when the lexical units function in the structure of the statement, we could say that the research addresses the problem of the correlation between the three components of the statement, namely the lexical, morphological and syntactic components. Revealing the relationships between these components would allow overcoming the artificial separation between the levels of semantic and syntactic description, but also a better understanding of how the utterance is constituted and functions.

Keywords: part of speech, lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, grammatical category, syntactic function, combinatorial possibility, categorical conversion.

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