The analysis of the language of Eminescu's lyric poetry shows that the poet knew to use all the expressive capacities of the Romanian’s levels, managing to create an unequaled poetry both in relation to the previous period and in relation to the later one.Mihai Eminescu was aware of the objective unity of the Romanian in general and of its grammatical structure. He exploited its expressive potential with much ingenuity and creativity, so that all the poets who followed Eminescu did nothing than imitate him, and, if they did not succeed, they tried to align themselves with fashionable currents, which very soon demonstrated their creative limits, and sometimes even their futility and artistic superficiality.Mihai Eminescu is the „un-couple” poet both by the depth of his expressedideas, and by the expressiveness and variety of forms and means of expression.The study of the stylistic values of Eminescu's poetic language was also done to demonstrate the absurdity of the existence of a „Moldavian language”, distinct from the Romanian (even if the so-called „Moldavian language” contains some lexical units and grammatical constructions and calques mechanically borrowed from Russian), a position promoted by some anti-Romanian elements sustained for political interests by our „non-friends”, who want nothing more than to keep the Republic of Moldova in the „cage” of the Russian internationalist happiness.