Syntagmatic Sports Terms: Structural and Semantic Features


The main purpose of this paper is to reveal some lexical-semantic and structural features of syntagmatic sports terms. The syntagmatic terms from several sports disciplines were identified, as subsystems of sports terminology in Romanian language; their role in the sports terminological system was determined; the ways of forming the respective terms were highlighted; the classification of syntagmatic sports terms was carried out from a structural and semantic point of view.

As a result of the study, it was found that syntagmatic terms occupy a significant role in sports terminological system, their share in various sublanguages being much higher than that of simple terms (except for the subsystem of general sports terms, where simple terms predominate). The semantic field of syntagmatic sports terms is very extensive and has multiple denominative valences: sports branches and events names, techniques, movements, combinations, exercises, people, titles and categories, clothing items, equipment, devices, violations and sanctions, places of activity, areas, boundary lines, structures, organizations, athletes’ qualities and moods, sports events, etc.


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