Surnames, at the Origin Names of Trades in the Field of Woodworking


The research of anthroponymic material is relevant because it helps us understand how surnames have evolved, depending on social, historical, economic, political, religious, linguistic, etc. factors.

Starting from the finding of existing interferences between the terminology of trades and anthroponymy, we propose to present a series of surnames whose basic elements are recorded in explanatory dictionaries of the Romanian language as names of trades in the field of woodworking. This category of surnames is made up of former nicknames, and they referred to the professional condition of the person: albier, bărdaș, bocșer, butnar, cărbunar, crucer, dogar, dulgher, fusar, lingurar, măsar, ploscar, podar, răclar, rotar, secrier, spătar, stoler, tâmplar, tisar, teslar, tronar, văsar, etc., most of them being Romanian formations.


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