The theme of Hasdeu and his works as seen in the research made in Chișinău involves two guidelines that complement each other: the editing of the work itself and the exegesis dedicated to Hasdeu’s heritage. Several Bessarabian researchers and publicists have commented on Hasdeu's personality, including in the interwar period. A special place among the contributions regarding Hasdeu’s legacy is occupied by the studies signed by Nicolae Romanenco, who, since the 1950s, has boosted the research and editing of the work of the great classic in Chișinău. The biographical course of B.P.-Hasdeu, the vast literary and scientific work were the object of thorough and documented study of researchers such as Gh. Bogaci, I. Vasilenco, H. Corbu, P. Zavulan, V. Cirimpei, V. Ciocanu, S. Berejan, P. Balmuș, V. Malaneți, M. Cimpoi, Gh. Bobână and others, whose approaches prove the uniqueness of Hasdeian spirit and its deep commitment in contemporaneity.