Lexical Indices of Variation in „Amintiri din Copilărie” by Ion Creangă


Ion Creangă’s literary work is an inexhaustible source of expressiveness, which lends itself to versatile interpretations, from various perspectives, never finished. In this study, we analyze the lexical variation indices of „Amintiri din copilărie” through the prism of the variational dimensions: diachrony, diatopia, diastratia and diaphasia. Their inventory demonstrates that Ion Creangă's work abounds in contextual expressive-aesthetic meaning sand is a perfect model for rendering the simultaneous harmonious functioning of these indices, which actually builds the oral and popular character of his writing. Obsolete lexicalunits, archaic forms, as well as words of Slavic origin are indices of diachronic and diatopic variation. The terms of popular occupations or the lexemes related to the village life and its activities become diastratic indices, their intentional insertion involving various moods,emotions or attitudes.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52505/1857-4300.2021.2(314).10

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