A Brief Outlook at the Research Directions of Motivology, a New Linguistic Discipline


In this article the author, for the first time in Romanian linguistics, attempts toexplain the basic directions in studying a new linguistic discipline, Motivology, andthe use of terms characteristic of this new discipline, some of which are translated orupdated by the author in order that the former cold be introduced into the Romanianlinguistic circulation. The motivational relationships of words and stable polylexicalunits make up linguistic universality; they cover almost all lexical and polylexicalunits in language, leaving out of their "influence" an insignificant percentage of"singular" language units. Motivology as a science dates back to the 1970s. Thisstudy outlines the research areas on lexical and structural motivation, the internalform of the glottic unit, the types of motivation of lexical and polylexical units,motivational relationships as a type of systemic relationships in lexis, motivation in atext and metatext, motivational paradigm, motivation of words and stable polylexicalunits as a lexical phenomenon, etc.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52505/1857-4300.2021.3(315).05

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