Evil Chronotopes Ion Creanga’s work


The article focuses on the notions of structural elements of the chronotope developedby M. Bakhtin and applied in the stories of the Romanian writer Ion Creanga from theperspective of the imaginary, namely: challenge, chance, nature, landscape, heroes'pilgrimage, road, threshold. Overpassing evil places such as the forest, places haunted bydevils, the pond, the pub are clues in the rounding of the character. The idea of good andevil spaces is strongly anchored in the collective unconscious according to the principleof splitting and differentiation between opposites. The evil spaces in Ion Creanga's storiesare places of voluntary or involuntary challenge in which the initiation and rounding of thecharacters takes place.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52505/1857-4300.2021.3(315).04

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